Friday, May 28, 2021

Semester 1 2021 Learning Cycle

Term 1 : Online Learning

Week 1

Week 2

Learning Plan Assessment" Setting Goals
Week 3

VU22601 / VU22603 : Invitations
Week 4

VU22601.1 / VU22603.1: 
Asking a favour / Messages
Week 5

VU22601.1 / VU22603.1
Casual Convos / Informal Emails

Workbooks and Assessment Booklets 

MONDAY CLASS  Check your Gmail for Dale's invitation for you to edit. Click the OPEN IN DOCS button ... and start your work!


You received these workbook and assessment booklets in Google Docs / Type straight into the document / Complete the tables / No need to save or send to me / I will correct at the same time from my desk

Learning Circles and Mini-Classes

Learning Circles  (ZOOM) / Mini Classes (WhatsApp or ZOOM)

Small groups of students working together on projects. Some of you will work together in ZOOM with a group leader and a visit by me. Others will work with me in ZOOM or on WhatsApp in groups of no more than 3 students. Others will work with me 1-to-1. 

ZOOM Classes  

We have a ZOOM class for the whole class on Wednesdays 10.30 am - 12 noon. On Wednesday afternoons you will also be working together in groups often using ZOOM. 

Check for the ZOOM link in your Gmail / WhatsApp / Text. Just click the link ... you can arrive early for a chat or stay on for a chat afterwards.
Gmail / WhatsApp / Text / Phone

You need to check-in to class each day at 9 am. You can do this by Gmail, WhatsApp or Text.  I will send you the links to Monday's workbook through these media. You also need to check your media each day after lunch for further work and communication by me. You also need to be available by mobile and be willing to work with other students by phone, WhatsApp audio and video, Gmail and in ZOOM classes

Week 6

VU22601.1 :
Simple Conversations (Assess)
Week 7

Written Communications (Assess)
Week 8

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Week 9

Repairs around the house
Week 10

Send and receive email

Term 2 : Blended Learning

Bring your mobile phone so you can scan the QR codes in the workbook. These QR codes will take you to all the audio, video and other docs you will need in class and at home.
This term we are returning to the face-to-face classroom once a week on Mondays. It will be fun working together - physically!

We will continue online Learning Circles and Mini-Classes on Tuesdays and Wednesday afternoon, ZOOM classes on Wednesday mornings.

I will continue to send you a workbook on Mondays through Gmail but this workbook will be in PDF with links. I will also give you a print copy of the workbook each week on Monday.

Also bring your study device if you can (laptop, tablet, phone). Make sure you charge them up before arriving on Monday morning.

If there is a lock down, we will return to online study until it is safe to return face to face.

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
VU22601.2 : Transactions  Returning Goods / VU22358 - Learning Plan

VU22601 / VU22603 - Complaints / VU22606 - Develop Online Learning

VU22601.2 : Transactions

VU22603.3/.4 : Forms, Enquiries, Travel

Reader :Wk 1 - 5

The Black Cat - John Milne

Week 6

VU22606.3: Apps and Internet Safety
Week 7

VU22606.3: Online Shopping
Week 8

VU22603.3/.4 Forms  (Assess)
Week 9

VU22606.3: Internet (Assess)

Week 10

Reader :Wk 5 - 10 Walkabout - James Vance Marshall

VU22358 - Review Learning (Assess) 


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