Covid Period Workbooks / Syllabus 2020 - 2021

Term 3, 2021  

Week 1
Week 2
Lockdown 5 Wk1
Week 3
Lockdown 5 Wk2
Week 4

Lockdown 6 Wk1

Week 5

Lockdown 6 Wk2

VU22602 / VU22604
Instructions - Spoken and Written

VU22369 / VU22372 Numbers, Sums, Calculations

Week 1 -5 Reader :

Alice in Wonderland

Chpt 1-2

VU22602 / VU22604
Instructions - Spoken and Written

VU22369 / VU22372 Numbers, Sums, Calculations Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpt 3-4

Online Classes only

VU22602 / VU22604
Instructions - 
Plan an Excursion

VU22369 / VU22372 Time / Timetables / Numbers Review Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpt 5-6 Online Classes only

VU22602 / VU22604
Presentation Recording

VU22369 / VU22372 Estimations - Time & Distance Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpts 7-8 Online Classes only

VU22369 / VU22372 Interpret numerical info / Compare Time & Distance VU22602.1 Follow instructions / Listening Assessment VU22602.2 - Prep for Giving Instructions assessment Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpts 9-11 Online Classes only

Week 6

Lockdown 6 Wk3
Week 7

Lockdown 6 Wk4
Week 8

Lockdown 6 Wk5
Week 9

Lockdown 6 Wk6

Week 10

Lockdown 6 Wk7
VU22369 / VU22372
Calculate percentages, convert fractions, simple one step calculations, interpret numerical info
Online Classes only


Read and write
written instructions


Follow and Give Verbal Instructions

Online Classes only

VU22369 / VU22372 Assessment Task A VU22602 / VU22604 Scammers Grammar Modifying Comparisons much / so / such etc Reader Week 7-10 Rain Man Chpt 1-3 Online Classes only VU22604.1

Assessment Task A

Follow Instructions

Create a poster in Google Docs

VU22372 - Simple Calculations of time

Reader Rain Man
 Chpt 4 - 6

Online Classes only


Assessment Task B

Write instructions


Let's Learn Bookcreator

Make me a book over the holiday break!

Rain Man 
Chpts 7 - 11

Online classes only

Term 2, 2021

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
VU22601.2 : Transactions  Returning Goods / VU22358 - Learning Plan

VU22601 / VU22603 - Complaints / VU22606 - Develop Online Learning

VU22601.2 : Transactions

VU22603.3/.4 : Forms, Enquiries, Travel

Reader :Wk 1 - 5

The Black Cat - John Milne

Week 6

VU22606.3: Apps and Internet Safety
Week 7

VU22606.3: Online Shopping
Week 8

VU22603.3/.4 Forms  (Assess)
Week 9

VU22606.3: Internet (Assess)

Week 10

Reader :Wk 5 - 10 Walkabout - James Vance Marshall

VU22358 - Review Learning (Assess) 

Term 1, 2021

Week 1

Week 2

Learning Plan Assessment" Setting Goals
Week 3

VU22601 / VU22603 : Invitations
Week 4

VU22601.1 / VU22603.1: 
Asking a favour / Messages
Week 5

VU22601.1 / VU22603.1
Casual Convos / Informal Emails

Week 6

VU22601.1 :
Simple Conversations (Assess)
Week 7

Written Communications (Assess)
Week 8

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Week 9

Repairs around the house
Week 10

Send and receive email

Term 2, 2021

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
VU22601.2 : Transactions  Returning Goods / VU22358 - Learning Plan

VU22601 / VU22603 - Complaints / VU22606 - Develop Online Learning

VU22601.2 : Transactions

VU22603.3/.4 : Forms, Enquiries, Travel

Reader :Wk 1 - 5

The Black Cat - John Milne

Week 6

VU22606.3: Apps and Internet Safety
Week 7

VU22606.3: Online Shopping
Week 8

VU22603.3/.4 Forms  (Assess)
Week 9

VU22606.3: Internet (Assess)

Week 10

Reader :Wk 5 - 10 Walkabout - James Vance Marshall

VU22358 - Review Learning (Assess) 

Term 4, 2020 (Cycle 3) 

Week 1

VU22370 Work with simple measurements in familiar situations

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts

Week 2

VU22370 Work with simple measurements in familiar situations

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts

Week 3

VU22370 Work with simple measurements in familiar situations

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts

Week 4


VU22370 Work with simple measurements in familiar situations

Week 5  Assessment 1

VU22370 Work with simple measurements in familiar situations
Week 6

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts
Week 7  Assessment 2

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts 

E.1 / E.2

Week 8  Assessment 3

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts 

E.3 / E.4 (Draft)
Week 9  Assessment 4

VU22604 Read and write simple instructional and informational texts 

E.4 (Final)
Week 10 Break up Party

Term 3, 2020 (Cycle 2) 

Week 2 

VU22602 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions

VU22606 Access the Internet and Email to Develop Language
Week 3

VU22602 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions

VU22606 Access the Internet and Email to Develop Language
Week 4

VU22602 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions

VU22606 Access the Internet and Email to Develop Language
Week 5 (Assessment Bklt 1)

VU22602 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions

E.1 / E.2

Week 6

VU22602 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions

VU22606 Access the Internet and Email to Develop Language

Week 7 (Assessment Bklet 2)

VU22602 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions

E.3 / E.4
Week 8 

VU22606 Access the Internet and Email to Develop Language

Week 9 (Assessment Bklt 3)

VU22606 Access the Internet and Email to Develop Language

E.1 / E.2
Week 10 (Excursion Material)  Movie

Term 2, 2020  (Cycle 1)

Week 1


 Video Review

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.1 / E.2

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2
Week 2


Video Review

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.1 / E.2

VU22599 Identify Settlement Options

E.1 / E.2

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2
Week 3


Video Review

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.1 / E.2

VU22599 Identify Settlement Options

E.1 / E.2

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2
Week 4

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.3/ E.4

VU22599 Identify Settlement Options

E.1 / E.2

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2

Week 5 Excursion 1 material

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.3 / E.4

VU22599 Identify Settlement Options

E.1 / E.2

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2
Week 6 (Assessment Bklt 1)

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.1 / E.2

Week 7 

VU22603 Read and write simple personal communications and transactional texts

E.3 / E.4
Week 8

Assessment Bklt 2

VU22599 Identify Settlement Options

E.1 / E.2
Week 9  (Activity Link)

No workbook

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2

Week 10 Learning Plan Review (Assessment 3)

VU22358 Develop Learning

E.1 / E.2
Week 11 
Excursion 2 material


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