Sunday, December 4, 2011

Summer Holiday Fun !!!


Level One & Two: I HATE THE BEACH

I Hate the Beach by Ann Dunn (PRACE,2006)
Click here to order PRACE PAGETURNER KITS

This week we read the funny story of a woman who hates the beach.

Do you like the beach? List the things you like about the beach. List the things you hate about the beach.

LESSON UNIT : Australian English at the Beach.

This is a really interesting and fun website about the beach - famous beaches, the history of the 'Aussie Cozzie' (bathing suit), Dangerous Creatures, Beach Safety and First Aid. (Developed by Barker, Chalk, Dunn, Malakar, Hanrahan and PRACE, 1999-2007)

Exercises from Australian English at the Beach for you to complete this lesson:

The Language of Signs (group work, matching, reading, vocabulary, prepositions

The Aussie Cozzie (A short history about bathing and bathers in Australia +Quiz)

Here is another video about the beach with Benny Hill!
The video was made in Australia in 1978.


1) Watch the Benny Hill video ONCE

2) What can you remember? Print out this fun, quiz about the video

3) Watch the video again to see if your answers are right or wrong

Jokes in English

Jokes in a second language can be hard to understand. There are many double meanings and playing on words. Here are some simple, funny jokes from :

Jokes for ESL Students (Level 1)

Jokes for ESL Students (Level 2)

Joke ...:-)

In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year of marriage, the woman speaks and the man listens.
In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.

Here are lots of other similar jokes from (text and mp3)

Here are some simple American jokes and riddles you might enjoy

Download a printed copy of the jokes to read

Listen to the jokes (click here)

Source: The Lighter Side of TEFL

Tongue Twisters

These are fun! They are good for pronunciation practice. Have a go ...

She sells sea shells ...

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck ...

Here are some Tongue Twisters for you to download and practice on your own (PDF)

Holiday Reading

Some of you want reading practice over the holidays (are you crazy? ;-)

Level 1

200 Super Easy Reading Stories for ESL (+audio, +exercises)

200 Easy Reading Stories for ESL

Level 2

365 ESL Stories (+audio, +exercises)

Mullah Nasreddin Stories

Here are some very funny and wise stories from the 13th century Muslim teacher, Mullah Nasreddin (audio, video and lessons by Turgan Evren):

Nasreddin and the Coat

Nasreddin and the Beggar

Five more Nasreddin Stories (+Comprehension exercises)

The Christmas Story

These children perform the Nativity Story (the Birth of Jesus). Watch the video and then read the simple story below.

Here is a simple version of the Nativity Story for you to read.

Here is a simple crossword about the Nativity for you (word doc)

Writing a letter to Santa (Board Game you can play with your kids at home)

End Note

Dear students

thank you for coming to class in 2011. For the students of English following this blog from overseas (Peru, China, Egypt, Russia, Vietnam and Cambodia) please visit again in 2012. There will be new lessons and some special new sections including a Practice Assessment Centre.

Best wishes ... see you in February 2012

Dale Pobega


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