Friday, July 23, 2021

Term 3, Semester 2 Student Learning Links

 Students, keep your eye on this page for updates through Semester 2, 2021. Links to workbooks in your Gmail and our WhatsApp Group 

Term 3 Outline : Blended / Online Google Workbooks & Links (Available to my WCEC Students only)

Week 1
Week 2
Lockdown 5 Wk1
Week 3
Lockdown 5 Wk2
Week 4

Lockdown 6 Wk1

Week 5

Lockdown 6 Wk2

VU22602 / VU22604
Instructions - Spoken and Written

VU22369 / VU22372 Numbers, Sums, Calculations

Week 1 -5 Reader :

Alice in Wonderland

Chpt 1-2

VU22602 / VU22604
Instructions - Spoken and Written

VU22369 / VU22372 Numbers, Sums, Calculations Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpt 3-4

Online Classes only

VU22602 / VU22604
Instructions - 
Plan an Excursion

VU22369 / VU22372 Time / Timetables / Numbers Review Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpt 5-6 Online Classes only

VU22602 / VU22604
Presentation Recording

VU22369 / VU22372 Estimations - Time & Distance Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpts 7-8 Online Classes only

VU22369 / VU22372 Interpret numerical info / Compare Time & Distance VU22602.1 Follow instructions / Listening Assessment VU22602.2 - Prep for Giving Instructions assessment Reader : Alice in Wonderland Chpts 9-11 Online Classes only

Week 1 Extra Learning Links

Buddy's One Cup Pancakes (   

Imperative Exercise 1 (Englisch-hilfen)               

Riaz's Recipe (Using our model) 

Imperative Exercise 2 (Englisch-hilfen)                                              

Writing up a Recipe ( 

Have/Let/Make/Get (liveworksheets)                               

To have / get something done (

Week 2 Extra Learning Links

Audio - Maryam's Tip for Cleaning 

Audio Script - Maryam's Tip for Cleaning 

Causative Exercise (                                        

Making a WhatsApp Video Call (YouTube)                              

How to Say Big Numbers (Mad English TV) 


Week 3 Extra Learning Links

Asking and Giving Directions (

Giving Directions (            

Week 4 Extra Learning Links

Let's / Should - Suggestions & Estimation   

Grammar: Let's / Why don't we ...? (                          

Besides / Except / Apart from (YouTube)

Besides / Except / Apart from (Writing worksheet)                                  

Week 5 Extra Learning Links

Grammar - Comparatives / Superlatives ( 

Tokyo Olympics Medal Tables & Stats (wikipedia) 

Top Olympic Medal Winners (
Seven Plus Olympic Website (Channel 7 Australia)

Blended Learning Model

Bring your mobile phone to class so you can scan the QR codes in the print workbook. These QR codes will take you to all the audio, video and other docs you will need in class and at home.
We have returned to the face-to-face classroom once a week on Mondays. 

We will continue online Learning Circles and Mini-Classes on Tuesdays and Wednesday afternoon, ZOOM classes on Wednesday mornings.

Also bring your study device if you can (laptop, tablet, phone). Make sure you charge them up before arriving on Monday morning.

If there is a lock down, we will return to online study until it is safe to return face to face.

Check your Gmail and WhatsApp for links and materials each day.

Term 3 : Blended / Online Google Workbooks (WCEC Students Only)

Week 6

Lockdown 6 Wk3
Week 7

Lockdown 6 Wk4
Week 8

Lockdown 6 Wk5
Week 9

Lockdown 6 Wk6

Week 10

Lockdown 6 Wk7
VU22369 / VU22372
Calculate percentages, convert fractions, simple one step calculations, interpret numerical info
Online Classes only


Read and write
written instructions


Follow and Give Verbal Instructions

Online Classes only

VU22369 / VU22372 Assessment Task A VU22602 / VU22604 Scammers Grammar Modifying Comparisons much / so / such etc Reader Week 7-10 Rain Man Chpt 1-3 Online Classes only VU22604.1

Assessment Task A

Follow Instructions

Create a poster in Google Docs

VU22372 - Simple Calculations of time

Reader Rain Man
 Chpt 4 - 6

Online Classes only


Assessment Task B

Write instructions


Let's Learn Bookcreator

Make me a book over the holiday break!

Rain Man 
Chpts 7 - 11

Online classes only

Week 6 Extra Learning Links

Week 7 Extra Learning Links

Grammar 1  Have a Safe Journey (imperatives / advice) -

Grammar 2  How to use a copy machine / How to make a sandwich (instructions) -

Grammar 3 All about transport : Getting around Bangkok (read a metro map) -

Week 8 Extra Learning Links

"Scammers"- Sandra Rodrigues (Bookcreator)

"Changing An Appointment" - Kaye Widdowson (Bookcreator)

Week 9 Extra Learning Links

Week 10 Extra Learning Links
