THIS WEEK ... VU22370 / VU22604 fun role plays in Zoom WCEC STUDENTS ONLY MONDAY ZOOM CLASS 1 1 pm to 2 pm | MONDAY CLASS check your Gmail for Dale's invitation for you to edit Wkbk 4 T4 with your partner You received this workbook in Google Docs / Type straight into the Workbook / Complete the tables / No need to save or send to me / I will correct at the same time from my desk In Google Docs ---> File ---> Download ---> PDF ...if you want to keep a copy for yourself OR ... Download the PDF here (WCEC students only) MONDAY MORNING Activity 1: Telling the time in different ways Extra Activity 1: A Good Job Interview (Video Quiz) MONDAY AFTERNOON ZOOM CLASS 1 1 pm to 2 pm Zoom class this term between 1 - 2 pm. Let's look at Activity 1 from the workbook. Work together to organise a menu for 20 people I will send you an invitation on Monday morning. |
TUESDAY Time for a chat! | TUESDAY CLASS - Check Gmail Morning Activity 2: Understanding time Work with your partner to put together the dialogue Extra Activity 2 : Reviewing the time in English Extra Activity 3 : Review Weight, Distance, Temperature Teacher catch up: I will phone you or contact you though Google Meet inside Gmail Individual mini-lessons with Dale (group 1) |
WEDNESDAY ZOOM CLASS 2 10.30 am to 12 pm mini-lessons (group 2) FRIDAY | WEDNESDAY ZOOM (10.30 am - 12 pm) Check your Gmail for the Zoom invitation Morning Zoom Time, weight, distance, temperature Afternoon and homework Reading Continue with Extra Activity 2 and Extra Activity 3 Friday Workbook Review Video I will send you the link to the Workbook Review Video so you can correct all of your Activity 1 and Activity 2 answers and review your work |
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